This morning, the numbers on my unreliable scale averaged to 272.4, for a loss of 2.9 pounds this week.
I'm not happy with this. It's fine overall, but I'm annoyed because this is the highest my weight has been since Thursday. On Friday, my weight had gotten down to around 271.2. On Saturday, it was 271.8. Yesterday, it was 272.0. And today, it's 272.4??? Why is my weight trending upward? On Friday, I was kind of hopeful that I could get close to the 260s this week. Now, it's looking like I might not even make my goal of getting below 270 by Week 5.
I'm also displeased because I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Even the ratatouille pizza wasn't a big enough misstep to make me stop losing weight. Perhaps it's not enough fluids? I'm really cognizant of them but I still miss my mark from time to time. Maybe I've had too much sodium the past couple of days? Maybe it's just the natural order of things. Argh. Argh. Argh.
But I suppose I should keep this in perspective. Losing 2.9 pounds in a week, even with this weird semi-stall, is a lot better than gaining 2.9 pounds in a week, which I've been known to do in the past. I'm still sad though.
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