Sunday, January 2, 2011

Final Check-in on 2010 Goals

Hi folks. It's been a while. I will catch you up on my progress (or lack thereof, or regression) when I have time.  In the meantime, it's become 2011 and I haven't checked back in on those goals yet.  I also need to set my 2011 goals.  I am not sure whether I'll have 50 in 2011, but I like this method overall.


-Reach 188 pounds - an "overweight" BMI. MET. Though right now, I'm a couple pounds over that and back up in "obese" territory. It will only be a momentary stay. I've had issues with night binging the past month or two.
-Reach 154 pounds - a "normal" BMI. Not met at all and probably won't ever be met in this life.
-Maintain or get below 154 pounds at the end of the year. Totally didn't happen in any way, at all. I don't think my body will get that low in weight, though it should be lower than it is now.
-Wear a size Small shirt. MET (although I am in Mediums again right now - ARGH)
-Buy at least one bra from Victoria's Secret. MET, although VS doesn't make my size so now I get them from eBay.
-Unsubscribe from Lane Bryant's mailing list. MET.
-Get labs of my vitamin levels drawn at least once. MET, though I'd like to get it done again because my ferritin and Vitamin D were a little lower than I'd prefer.
-Revisit my surgeon for at least one check up. MET in early March, even though I never wrote up my recap. He was pleased with my weight progress.
-Go to the dentist for a teeth cleaning and go to the gyno. Not met.  I really need to go to the dentist.

-Complete the Couch to 5K program. Not met on purpose.
-Register for and complete at least 3 "races" of any length. Walking them is fine. Not met. I did the Charleston Cooper River Bridge Run and registered for the Outer Banks Half Marathon, but the people I was supposed to do Outer Banks with didn't get back to me, and I wasn't motivated enough to do it on my own. I think I'll revisit this goal for 2011.
-Go hiking at least 3 times. MET. Went twice at Carrick Creek at Table Rock and once at the Clemson Botanical Gardens.
-Go fishing at least once. MET! My family did this for my birthday.
-Go to a yoga studio, preferably for bikram or "hot" yoga, at least once. MET - and it has been glorious.
TRAVEL (none met. My September "travel time" wound up being focused on Michigan; I traveled up there with my grandmother to see my dying great aunt.)
-At least once, travel to a country I've never visited. Not met.
-Visit Los Angeles. Not met.
-Visit at least one state I've never been to, preferably Texas. Not met.

READING (This was a big flop.)
-Read Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Not met.
-Read Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth (nope, I've never read it all the way through.) Not met.
-Read Mitchell Duneier's Sidewalk. Not met. Checked it out from Library, but didn't get through it. Wound up reading "Honky" by Dalton Conley instead.
-Read Mitchell Duneier's Slim's Table: Race, Respectability, and Masculinity. Not met.
-Read Katherine S. Newman & Victor Tan Chen, The Missing Class: Portraits of the Near Poor in America. Purchased, but only partially read.
-Read Katherine S. Newman, No Shame in My Game: The Working Poor in the Inner City. Not met.
-Read Mary Patillo's Black on the Block: The Politics of Race and Class in the City. Not met.
-Read William Julius Wilson, More Than Just Race: Being Black and Poor in the Inner City. MET.
-Read William Julius Wilson, The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy. Checked out from the library and partially read, but not completed.
-Read William Julius Wilson & Richard P. Taub, There Goes the Neighborhood: Racial, Ethnic, and Class Tensions in Four Chicago Neighborhoods and Their Meaning for America. Not met.

-Finish revising my SAW for publication. Not met and I realized that I didn't want to meet it. That paper has little to do with my new research focus, so I don't see the point of moving forward with it at this time.
-Build my personal website. Well, I started a new food blog, but I think the actual personal website will make more sense once I'm back in grad school (provided that I get in).
-Take the GRE and score above 700 on verbal and at least 650 on quantitative. MET!
-Pass the MPRE. MET.
-Gain admission to graduate school and/or get an appellate clerkship. In August, I modified this goal to "Apply for graduate school."  I've applied to several schools: Chicago, Duke, Harvard (2 programs there), Michigan, Penn, and Princeton so far, and Yale is due today. So MET.
-During any gap of time between my clerkship and my next job, write and publish at least one op-ed or an LTE in a major newspaper. I actually did publish an op-ed in a major newspaper - the Washington Post - but not during the gap of time between clerkship and job. I published it with the blessing of my job. I think it counts. :)
-Develop a sharper research focus. Met.
-Finish article review for Professor Schuck and email it to him. Not met. The idea of sending in an assignment from May 2009 seems ridiculous at this point.

-Cook with or eat 20 ingredients that I've never tried. MET.
-Write at least 15 new recipes. Completed. Mostly on my new blog, Audacity of Cooking.
-Go to McClellanville or similar coastal area to purchase fresh seafood. Not met. I just never got back down there. I was supposed to swing by en route from Charleston to Myrtle Beach in August, but wound up going back home from taking the MPRE and then going to Myrtle Beach directly from Columbia.
-Dine in at least one of the following New York restaurants: Brad Farmerie's Public, Seamus Mullen's Boqueria, Eric Ripert's Le Bernardin, Dan Barber's Blue Hill in Greenwich Village or at Stone Barns, Wylie Dufresne's WD-50, Daniel Humm's Eleven Madison Park, Anita Lo's Annisa (when repaired), Geoffrey Zakarian's Town, Alex Guernaschelli's Butter, Aaron Sanchez's Centrico, Floyd Cardoz's Tabla, or Gramercy Tavern. MET! Ate at Butter in March.
-Dine at Sean Brock's McCrady's in Charleston. MET. Wasn't as great as I'd hoped, but I was comparing it to my experience at John Besh's August and perhaps that wasn't fair.

-Continue volunteering at the shelter through September 2010. This was a bust. As I explained in my last check-in, I never heard back from the project manager after my last meeting with the ladies. I am pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong, but she was never the easiest to contact via email.  Perhaps I should have been more aggressive in reaching out to her, but I'd started to feel like I was more of a burden on them, like they wanted to keep me around but didn't really need me to drive anymore.
-Volunteer somewhere other than the shelter at least once. Oddly, I didn't do this unless you count volunteering for extra projects at work. Work is now a legal services office, so it was actually the same kind of work I would have completely volunteered to do. Plus, I did  a yoga training for working with homeless, overweight, mentally ill, and addicted communities that was built up around the idea of service - but I haven't volunteered anywhere yet. ::sigh:: looks like a fail.
-Watch all five seasons of The Wire. MET! And it was amazing. I am so glad I did this. Season 4 absolutely blew my mind; I am still haunted by it months later.
-Watch the Roots miniseries (nope, I've never seen it - no one revoke my "black card" please.) Yet again, I forgot about this. Shameful. I can't decide whether to add for 2011 or not?
-See at least two live theater shows. Not met. I forgot about this one.
-Write at least ten relatively lengthy emails to catch up with friends/colleagues with whom I haven't spoken recently. Nope. Just one.
-Have at least 5 meaningful conversations about religion/faith/spirituality. Not really.
-Go to karaoke at least once. Yes! Finally, on the weekend of December 19th. It was so fun.
-Pay off my credit cards completely at least once (they may still have a balance at the end of 2010.) MET!
-Own my own car/get my current car off my mother's insurance. Not met, not on a fellowship salary . . .
Goals Completed: 23/50
Goals Deliberately Abandoned: 8
Weight, Body Size & Health Goals Met: 6/9
Physical Activity and Adventure Goals Met: 3/5
Travel Goals Met: 0/3
Reading Goals Met: 1/10
Professional Goals Met: 6/8
Cooking & Eating Goals Met: 4/5
Culture & Community Goals Met: 1/5
"Other" Goals Met: 2/5

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