Thursday, October 1, 2009

What I Ate: 10/1/2009

  • 1 scoop Isopure dutch chocolate protein powder in instant iced decaf with sugar-free white chocolate syrup (110 kcals, 25g protein)
  • 1 serving (3 slices) Hormel Natural deli turkey (50 kcals, 10g protein)
  • About 16 medium steamed shrimp (96 kcals, 19g protein) with about 6 steamed broccoli florets (20 kcals, 2g protein), 2 mushrooms (10 kcals, 0g protein) and 2 sugar snap peas (4 kcals, 0g protein) with soy sauce (10 kcals, 0g protein) - I was painfully full after this and started hiccuping. I was lunching at M Cafe with a coworker. I hate eating with people who comment on my plate! The waitress got in on it too, asking why I didn't eat all of my vegetables. I will be doing a liquid diet next week, for sure! I have to stop overeating and stretching out my tool. Argh... so full.
  • 1 serving (4 slices) Hormel Natural honey ham (70 kcals, 10g protein) and 1 mini Babybel Light cheese round (50 kcals, 6g protein) - long night at the office so I had this for dinner
  • 1 scoop Isopure dutch chocolate protein powder in instant iced decaf with sugar-free chocolate, vanilla, and hazelnut syrups (110 kcals, 25g protein)
  • The rest of the curried cauliflower - thank God, it's such a trigger food for me! (about 75 kcals, 0g protein)

Total: 605 kcals, 97g protein, 64.1% kcals from protein.

Boo. I didn't leave work today until after 10 PM, and I didn't get up and do my cardio like I was supposed to. So . . . I guess you know what that means for daily exercise. :-(

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