Sunday, June 21, 2009

What I Ate: 6/20/2009

  • 1 hard-boiled egg with 1/2 slice American cheese (100 kcals, 8g protein)
  • 1 scoop Isopure dutch chocolate protein in large iced decaf with Splenda, this time from Corner Bakery at the National Press Club (110 kcals, 25g protein)
  • About 8 oz. miso soup (about 80 kcals, about 2g protein)
  • About 2 cups edamame in pods (about 175 kcals, about 15g protein)
  • 1 serving of sashimi (2 slices octopus, 1 slice salmon, 2 slices swordfish, 2 slices whitefish) with ginger and wasabi in soy sauce (about 120 kcals, about 15g protein)

Total: 585 kcals, 65g protein, 44.4% kcals from protein.

Spent most of my day at a conference in DC. I think some of my numbers may be off, but I tried to overestimate calories and underestimate protein if I wasn't sure about an item's nutritional value. Today's Asian specialties (miso soup, edamame, sashimi) were from Asia Nine, a pretty upscale restaurant in DC's Penn Quarter. Raku was both cheaper and better.

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